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6 Reasons To Use GFRC Lightweight Planters

GFRC lightweight planters are the best choice for people who need to maximize their space. These planters can be stacked on top of each other and stored away when not in use, leaving more room for plants. GFRC is durable enough that you won’t have a problem with it breaking or cracking from harsh weather conditions. Plus, they are UV resistant, so your flowers will stay healthy without any dye stains ruining their appearance.

GFRC extra-large lightweight planters are much lighter and easier to install than traditional clay pots. They serve as a great alternative for people with limited mobility or large gardens due to their low weight, recyclability, and versatility in soil type requirements. In addition, they can be customized into geometric shapes, which allow more efficient use of space on your balcony without being an eyesore.

About Pietro Stoneware

Pietro Stoneware range of beautiful garden accessories with unique designs bring a whole new dimension to indoor and outdoor decor. We offer garden furniture, planters, garden pots, urns & jars, water features, sculptures, and garden accessories in Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, and across Australia.

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